
What is the corner stud? Where is the corner stud used?

The High-Speed Automatic Corner Stud Rolling Forming Machine is an advanced roll forming equipment designed for the production of metal studs and tracks utilized in drywall construction.

ZTREM’s innovative corner studs enhance assembly efficiency by simplifying the process. With fewer components, these studs significantly reduce installation and finishing time, expediting project completion with ease.

Moreover, ZTREM’s corner studs alleviate the workload for contractors and owners, providing unmatched safety and efficiency on construction sites. The elimination of sharp edges, back screwing, and the need to search for slider studs enhances crew safety. Once installed, these corner studs offer robust taper support.

Here is one drawing profile and finished product:

corner stud features:

30 EQD up to 54 mil

1.Up to 24’height

2.Efficient use of material saves labor on the jobsite

3.Reduced number of components saves time on installation and finishing

4.Inside Corners

5.JL Corner for shaftwall assemblies


Steel buildings, constructed with steel for both internal support and exterior cladding, differ from steel-framed buildings that typically incorporate other materials for floors, walls, and the external envelope. These versatile structures are used for various applications such as storage, workspaces, and residential accommodations, and are categorized based on their intended use.

Steel offers several benefits over traditional building materials like wood:

– Environmentally friendly: Steel is a “green” product, known for its structural integrity and precision manufacturing. It’s energy-efficient, and any surplus material is completely recyclable.

– Stability and flexibility: Steel resists warping, buckling, twisting, and bending, making it easy to modify and offering design versatility. It is also straightforward to install.

– Cost-effectiveness: Steel is budget-friendly and has a stable price.

– Quality and low maintenance: Steel ensures superior construction quality with reduced maintenance needs, while also providing enhanced safety and durability.

– Mold and mildew resistance: In residential buildings, steel minimizes mold and mildew growth, as these require moist, porous materials to thrive, which steel studs do not possess.

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